28 January, 2009

google verb meme

google your name with a verb and take the first thing that it gives you.
thx to

1. Tabitha needs: Tabitha needs our prayers urgently, Tabitha needs love & attention, . . . elsewhere apparently Tabitha needs a meaty storyline. . .bring it... (rofl! oh yeah bring it!)

2. Tabitha looks like: tabatha LOOKS like THE GRINCH that stole christmas. why has no one seen that they are one and the same? (laugh. my. ass. off.)

3. Tabitha says: tabitha says lets get it onnnn (oh yes lets!)

4. Tabitha wants: TABITHA (WANTS TO BE SEDATED) (twenty twenty four hours ago...)

5. Tabitha does: Tabitha does Single Ladies (Put a ring on it) By Beyonce (apparently i'm a mf rockstar on google. lol.)

6. Tabitha hates: You know, the caption says "Tabitha hates frogs". If this is the case, WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU PUT A GODDAMN FROG ON HER HEAD? Are you mental? (yeah really! why would you!? this shit is killing me laughing so hard!)

7. Tabitha asks: “Minerva,” Tabitha asks her aunt with that trademarked seventies delivery, “have you been flying too low over the poppy fields of Turkey

8. Tabitha likes: Tabatha likes gifts and conversation, but her main factor in increasing Love Points is your monsters. (yep. got your love points right here! XDDD)

9. Tabitha eats: Tabitha eats her dress (whut? i was like way hungry okay!)

10. Tabitha wears: Tabitha wears her heart on her sleeves and cannot hide (trufax this.)

11. Tabitha was arrested for: Tabitha was arrested for drug-related activities. (when i said it was crack i meant crack FICTION people! honestly)

12. Tabitha loves: Tabitha loves me t-shirts, stickers and hoodies. (apparently you can haz merch. hahahaha)

27 January, 2009

birthday spammage is a go!

so tomorrow is joshuazgirl128 's birthday.. and i have a little something for her...

hope she likes it bc i know she's kinda hating on dcook right now..! <3

guys you don't really have to primp yet.. we haven't really even started the post...

um.. yeah.. thanks for listening.. *facepalm* and just what the hell are the two of you doing over there?! this isn't that kind of a post really...

dammit guys.. you're hopeless..

well i'm glad somebody's amused by these shenanigans! okay i'm amused too but that's beside the point really

neal would like to be the first to say happy birthday to you..

also.. he knows dave has been very bad to you.. so he put him in a cage as punishment.. yeah.. that's ttly the reason for the cage

dave attempts to look guilty.. is it working? he feels reeeeaaaally bad about it.. honest...

nurse!Neal is not pleased

dammit dave! you're not even trying! there will be punishment for that later dood.. but we're in the middle of something here..

me: you know laughing at nurse!Neal is only going to earn you more punishment dave
andy: um.. i think that's probably the idea..
me: oh. :o

whatev.. on with the pressies!

o hai andy.. um.. okay then.. i.. i guess you're still busy with joey...

continuing on then...

oh great andy. you and joey are starting something..

lord you guys this is not that kind of post! you're all hopeless honestly..

why is it that neal of all people is the only one behaving.. i mean really guys..

that's right dave. you just stand there and look pretty or somebody might catch you with your other boyfriends..

like... mikey? do you remember mikey dave?

that's right.. we all know you've forgotten all about him.. but we remember..

aaaaahhh. the good old days... you were so happy together.... cheezy song reference ftw!

i mean look at your faces!

so happy!

oh don't even make that face... we all know.. it's not like you were hiding it really...

i mean look at this:

srsly.. were you even trying? (by ciwey)

i mean come on... could you be any more gfeo?!

by meowlina

by courts

okies bb! i hope you likes your pressies?! have a superfab birthday!! <333

26 January, 2009

boycott love. detox just to retox..

fearnottheflame is made of awesome। why you ask॥ bc she made the monies magykally appear to buy concert tickets to...

wait for it...


that's right!! we're going to see them on may 8th in ann arbor। how stoked am i? totally hardcore stoked doods. like this:


all *flailyface* and *hearthands*

i cannot even। i am so excited. plus my bday is on the 13th so it's kind of like "would you like a cupcake for your bday?"

"no. i want patrick effing stump. kthx."

"oh. ok. you can haz."

"wait?! whut?! i can haz।"

"you can। happy bday."

"w00t! omnomnom।"

i know। i'm ridiculous. but i am waaaaaaaay too excited about this. my first fob concert... i'm like dying. for realz. but i cannot actually die bc then i can't haz pstump. and i will haz.

did i mention how totally stoked i am?! :DDDDD

also- this:

and this:

rofl. i love these damn stoopid ass bois so hard. srsly. i pray daily that they never change. you hear me you big ass dorks!? never change.

ETA: um॥ Ran... is that your scarf Neal's wearing????? *dies laughing again*

ETA: talalkhemiyst is also made of awesomeness. there is a reason these ppl are mah besties. check out this shizz! (also if anybody knows how to animate stuff could you plz and i will LOVE YOU 4EVER animate an icon of that for me!!)