19 February, 2005

Bad, Bad blogger....

Methinks my bloggy is publishing me for being neglectful.. It's been ever-so-long since I posted anything, but it's nothing personal... I haven't been doing much of anything... I haven't worked on anything, I've taken hiatus from webmistressing, I hate everyone on my messenger, I want to set fire to all my art projects.. I have no inspiration. My body & mind are filled with illness. I am un-well.

On top of my already marvelous mood (*ack*) I found out yesterday, as soon as I got to work, that Amber is dead. Amber who was the other night girl (not really a girl, one supposes.. she was 51.. I had no idea she was that old!). Sherri got worried when she never showed up for work on Thursday night, which is much un-like Amber. So she went to her apt. but no answer. She got a hold of Peggy (friend & co-worker who also lives near Amber). Peggy called Maintenance men who went into the apt. & when Sherri tried to get hold of things again, she found out the ambulance & police were there. Couple detectives came by work later to tell Sherri & Joe (prick boss) that Amber had died. She's been dead since Monday night.. and nobody noticed. Nobody had wondered where she was.. No one had come to see her... What a sad little life...... and her "family" isn't even giving her a decent memorial. Just a simple graveside service (translation- they don't care & don't think anyone else does either enough to bother having a memorial). Fuckers.

I loathe.

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