22 February, 2009

they tell us we're flying too high.. they'll have to get used too looking up..

okay... let me see if i can manage to get all this out.. coherently.. lol.. i'm still pretty high from yesterday, ngl.

we were getting up at 8:30 am yesterday so that we could get ready and leave. i woke up at 5:30. i just couldn't sleep anymore. lol. so i got up and puttered around, grabbed some breakfast and actually managed to decide on an outfit without having an aneurysm. lol.

we left shortly before 9. stopped at walmart for food and we were off, blasting david's album all the way there and singing at the top of our lungs. \o/

got to valpo university easily enuf bc we don't live all that far away and all of use knew where it was. then we drove around on the campus (that we didn't realise was quite that big) trying to find the harre union building. we actually managed to find it (of course in the very last bit of campus we hadn't driven thru) so yay us. that was around 11. got inside and there was already a decent line. attempted to not hyperventilate or squeal really loudly over the fact that i was actually in the line! thankfully the people who go to see dave are not psycho like the people that go to see some stuff, so there was no crushing in the line etc. which was nice. they didn't even growl when one of us left to go to the bathroom and got back in line with our friends. i actually recognised renaberena when she walked past me so i said hi and introduced myself. we were keeping an eye out if anybody was looking for tickets since we had 2 extra but nobody ever came around where we were. poo. also i totally did squeal when i noticed that the tickets said 'sold out'. you go bb! i love that. there was this batch of 13yo in front of us from like a bday party and we soo wanted to kill them. they were taking up way too much space with all their bags and crap, dancing around and being soooo annoying. i think they were the only bad part about the line tho.. so i guess that's not that bad. turned out tho that since it was 'sibling weekend' there was a group of students siblings that actually got to go in before all of us that had been waiting in line, which was so much bullshit. but what can you do. surprisingly there was no riot when they went in first and the crowd actually did adhere to their little string lines as we were herded in slowly.

that room was so small! i was like omgomgomg we're going to be sooo close! *superflailyface* it was like one of those little conference rooms at a holiday inn. no lie. and we ended up not being very far from the stage (not like you could really be all that far tho) and we had a great view. unfortunately there was one really tall guy in an orange shirt that was totally like head all in the way, but he ended up being right between dave and neal's mic stand so we could still see pretty well. altho the little blonde girl next to me was totally talking about beaming her cell at his head. lol. (i told her i approved this plan. XDD) i was really kind of losing it way before anybody came out over the fact that the room was so small. i saw mcr at the house of blue in chicago and thought that was kind of small (awesome!) but this was reaaaaallly small. <3_<3

so i had heard nothing but good things from everybody about ryan star (the opener) so i was pretty stoked to hear him. i'd actually been following him on twitter for a couple weeks already. but when he came out and just started singing he completely blew me and the besties away. no lie. his voice is just amazing and the raw passion and energy is like woah. i was in love with his musik before he finished the first song. totally. there is just something so... his voice is like broken glass in your soul.. but in the most beautifull way. you can just feel every raw edge, every nerve, every emotion in the words and the musik. and he's just all over the stage throwing himself into the musik and daring you to not love him. it's awesome bc i heard a couple people around us bitching that there was an opening act but by the time he was done the whole crowd was loving him. you go ryan! i know i was there to see dave but i really didn't want ryan to stop singing. there was just so much power in his voice and it doesn't sound like anything that's on the radio right now. his voice is almost like david bowie + neil diamond + billy joel (when you listen to 'songs from the eye of the elephant, which we did on the way home, you can really hear that more with him and just the piano). the last song he did was called 'back of your car' and holy christ it was just... woah. it was the sex. no lie. by the time he finished i wanted to fuck like everything in the room. lol. (more on ryan later)

unfortunately between him and dave fearnottheflame got sick from the water they passed out being way too cold on her stomach with not quite enuf food in it and she had to leave. she ended up getting sick, so it's a good thing she did leave then, but it really sucked having to watch without her. apparently she watched from by the doors and some cougars let her get closer in. i guess she had a pretty good view and a fab view of neallll. so yay for that.

of course after he went off the stage there was dave fucking cook and the bouh. *dies* they came out to this old as song 'if you leave me now' which made me lolol like forever. they were really sooo close i could not even breathe. have to say that they all look even better than they do in their pictures. ~hardon. really tho they looked amazing. dave's skin really is that fucking perfect. and his smile is even more heart-exploding in real life. and his laugh... oh my heart. i cannot even. nealll is really that bamf but he looks way smaller in person and how much do i love that his hair is getting all long and shaggy. andyyy is even hotter live and actually bigger than he looks in pics. all of them were just.. wow. and listening to them live right there in front of me singing and playing their hearts out was nothing short of a religious experience for me. not even kidding. i was like one of those cartoon characters with hearts in their eyes and sparkles all around their head the whole time.

set list: heroes, mr. sensitive, lotm, delaration, kotn, breathe tonight, hunger strike, LO, barbasol

heroes is soo much more epic hearing it live. i loved it anyway but wow. there is just sooo much energy and power behind him when he sings.. and you can really feel it.

mr. sensitive has this realy sexy edge when he does it. you can kind of hear it on the album but not enuf to prepare you for it live. and he really.. i cannot even. how can one minute you're smiling and being the cutest thing ever like 'oh how cool is it that people came to see me' and the next minute he's all rock god sexness 'i fucking own this room'?!?! how does he do that?! idek but ooohhh he does!

life on the moon.. this song.. live.. omg. you can really feel what he means about it being about the last year and all the madness and confusion and there's one line where he turned and looked at neal just like holy. fuck.

declaration. love. it's so much more powerfull than you think it is when you hear it live. just.. amazing. you really can feel the energy of it being his real declaration about what he wants and his dream and just...

kiss oon the neck. *dies* yes please. holy god. hottt like woah. and listening to him sing it knowing that he wrote it with neal and.. and.. at one point when he says 'just a kiss on the neck' he touches his neck and why did that make me die? but ohhhh it did. i swear i spent soo much time squealing and screaming at this show. :o

breathe tonight. yay! fearnottheflame had been hoping for this one so i was totally happy when they played it for her. i mean i love the song obv. and god he just has soo much gravel in his voice and soo much sex when he sings. jezus.

hunger strike. thank you god i was praying for this soo hard. ANDYYYYYYYYY. my life. guh. hearing andy sing live was just.. i mean obv i wanted to hear dave but i knew dave was doing every song so i was praying for them to do hunger strike so i could really hear andy and <333333 so. much. happyface.

light on was awesome. i know some people don't really like it but i love it. and when he has the crowd sing for him.. his face... so much love.

then... encore.. bar.ba.sol. *ded* kyle on the drums with this light thingies is soooo cool and i could feel every beat thru the floor. (i've been really wanting to play drums for a while now actually but this just made the want so much worse) fuck me. barbasol. that man is like fucking the whole audience thru the microphone. no. lie. so much raw passion in that song.

this was the most amazing show. (i confess still second to mcr doing the black parade, but you would have to understand what that concert and that album meant to me and the besties) it was incredible. i can't even fully express what it felt like to be there in the room with this man who i've been loving and following and dreaming for for so long and then he's really there. and he's really just as fantastik as i think he is.. i just.. it was amazing. and it was a high that i could not be brought down from yesterday and all last night.. (and my frenz are too much awesomesauce for making that happen for me!!! <333)

now unfortunately we didn't get to meet the guys bc we got run off from outside so we went for foodz bc we were fucking starving (and starbucks of course). so ~sadface over that. i heard via twitter that some people did end up meeting them and not even gonna pretend that i don't hate you. D=<

but ryan was out in the hallway right after the show and we found fearnottheflame
so yayz! and she was okay again. yayz! we bought his album and had the band and ryan sign it for us. the band was not gettiing enuf luv. wtf people? they were really great and soo totaly friendly! they climbed across the table to take pics with people and were so chatty, especially artie. he was all 'yeah join the mailing list and the next time we come around come and see us. we'll hang out and get some pizza.' lol. you're great artie but be careful. we're the kinda girls that will show up with pizza. XDD finally got to ryan (no easy feat!) and he signed out cd 'To The OT3' which is made of so. much. awesome. and he was soo nice and really friendly and i told him i was going to blog about him and he's all 'well i get google alerts so i will see your blog' and i'm all omg srsly? *dies* (so if you're reading this ryan THE OT3 LOVESSS YOU!!!) we took a picture with him and he totally group hugged us. then he chatted with us some more and then was shaking the besties hands but i had moved out of the way of someone else and totally looked around for me to give me a high five! <33

the band:

me and fearnottheflame with the band

fearnottheflame , me, ryan star and talalkhemiyst *squee*

we listened all the way back home and it was just like we were lost in it. it's just him and the piano for basically the whole thing and it's very raw. there's really no production on it. he recorded it in his living room according to the jacket and it's just the most raw, emotional versions of the songs. it's so amazing and powerful. the words just grab you and he just grabs you with his voice and does not let you go for the whole album. he said he's got a new one coming out in like may and i cannot wait for that. i will definitely be watching for him to come back around this way. definitely. (and oh yes artie we will be hanging out for pizza!)

when we got back home we decided to go shopping! lol. (yeah, such girls are we!) and found some really cute stuff. i've been fighting with my closet for months bc there have been a lot of changes in my life and in myself and so many of the really cute things i've got i just don't wear anymore. my style has been so lost. i wear jeans and tshirts all the time and then give myself shit for not really 'getting dressed' and just wearing what's comfy. now we're at fashion bug and i can't find a thing that i like. i'm helping the besties pick stuff out for them but can't find a thing for myself and then talalkhemiyst comes up with this really cute hoodie. that just shook something loose i think. i started picking out a couple more hoodies and a handful of really cute shirts that i would not normally pick out at all. when i got to trying stuff on i was dying. the shirts i got made me totally look like a 15yo boy. but i totally loved them! they were just awesome and i was so comfortable in them and love loved the way they looked on me! so all this time i've been eating myself up about wearing the jeans and the tshirts all the time.. turns out that's actually my style now. go figure. who knew that the year i turned 30 i would be getting a makeover as a teenage boy. lol. i love it. (besties also look waaaaay too cute in what they got. fearnottheflame has this naughty secretary thing going and it's very hot. is totally going loligoth and also very hot. we've all lost so much weight that like half of us is gone. lol. and shopping and going out is sooo much more fun now!)

then we went home and watched cartoons all night. lolol.

all in all.. it was a really awesome day. really awesome. :DDDDD

11 February, 2009

am i a part of the cure or am i part of the disease

okay soooo.. i suppose that i should mention where i stand on american idol, just to get it out there.. i know we're not even at top 36 yet, but i still have favourites already.. it's crazy for me bc this is the first season where i'm getting the 'full idol experience' bc i've never watched starting from auditions onward. woah. this shizz is like nutcakes for real. lol..

first off (and not in any particular order other than how they're listed on the ai site bc i can't remember all their fucking names lol) is a-lamb. ♥ i will confess i wanted to hate him bc everybody was going on about dcook comparisons and we all know how i feel about dcook but adam was just so.. i love his voice. i love his look (and yes, he ttly reminds me of dcook stfu okay). but i will say that i hate the faces he makes while he's singing. lol.

i also ttly dig anoop dawg. every time this guy sings he kills me! wtf is up with an indian looking guy who sings like boys ii men or wtfever. i mean srsly?! he's great tho.

brent keith i really like, altho i've read that he was on nashville star and did really well so i'm a little iffy as to why he's even on ai now.. *twitch*

little ran (cody). i loved him honestly the minute i saw him. i was sooo happy when he could actually sing really well bc i was going to love him anyway, ngl.

rdj (danny) is a-mazing. not even playing here. he is probably going to be my fave overall.. his voice is just fantastiik.. and omfg when he did 'i hope you dance' last night... just wow. it was honestly better than the original as far as i'm concerned and i would sever a limb for a recording of his version.. T__T

danny's boyfriend (jamar) is also really great. his 'delilah' didn't exactly do great things for me but i ♥ him. i really like his voice, nvm the fact that him and danny (who are sooo my ship now) are just too. damn. cute. and i fully expect if jamar gets voted off to see him in the audience every week cheering for danny. i will cry if this doesn't happen.

jorje i really like.

kai i also liked so it's a shame he did so badly this week.

cowboy (michael sarver) i just flove. it's the big and cuddly thing. gets me every time.

norman/nick. omfg do i loooooooove him. i'm not even kidding. i flove him soooo hard. he makes my face go all :DDDD every time he comes on but i'm fairly sure bb will not make the top 12. *cuddles* but i'm so going to look for him online. lol. /stalker

ricky braddy i also kinda like but i saw a vid online of him performing someplace and just.. *flails* i could listen to him all day.

von smith i kinda like but bb needs to tone down the theatrics or he's ded. (i actually can't remember now is he still in even??)

scott. ♥_♥ he is my second fave to danny. he is just fantastik. amazing. just.. wow.

i also liked little castro but i'm not really broken up that he left bc idk if i coulda taken a season of ttly smoking the weedz way too relaxed castro 2.0 and david osmond but his fam can buy him a contract or something. lol.

so right now my top 3 are danny, scott, adam in that order.

and yes i realise there are no girls on this list. lol. the only girl that i liked (emily with the pink hair) fucked up and is gone.

and in other news..

one piece is breaking my fucking heart.
we are like a couple episodes into water 7 and holy fuck i have cried soo much already. the merry go can't be repaired?! we have to leave her behind?! *cries* uesopp getting the crap kicked out of him by the franky family. *cries* uesopp waking up to find out merry can't be fixed and the argument with luffy and the FIGHT. omfg. *cries my head off* robin shot iceberg?! no wait she really was there?! and now we're being blamed?! and now she sez 'yes i did it and i'm ttly framing joo' and walks away and chopper and sanji cry *cries*

i don't know how much more epic i can take...

also- i was online last night and i got this user come up on my messenger called 'capablesalmon' and this odd convo insued. well the person on the other end explaind to me that it was from a spambot thing. very odd. we ended up friending each other on our actual messengers but i thought i would alert the flist that this spambot thing is out there floating around confusing the fuck out of ppl randomly. so here is a link to explain it if you have this happen to you.

08 February, 2009

apparently i'm a loser..

so apparently i am a loser on multiple levels. go me!

there are things that have been brought to my attention by various sources.. that are apparently like super loser-ish to do.. and (of course) i do them.. who knew..

so it seems i am a loser bc..

1. i wear the merch of the band i'm going to see in concert
(when i saw mcr in concert i bought a tour tshirt and hoodie and then promptly went to the bathroom to put them on right then to show my support for the bois. see, that's the thing. i thought i was supporting and showing my love for them by sporting their merch. besides mcr -and fob btw - wears their own fucking merch all the time. so is it okay for them to rock their own merch but not for me to wear it??)

2. i use the words "rl" or "real life" when referring to actual reality as opposed to bandom or fandom in my journal

3. i use interwebz words in real life
(my faves include: lol. for the win. fail. interwebz. i can haz. oh my fucking god no way. whatthefuck. flails. inorite. and i'm sure there are others. yes. i actually talk like that.)

these things amuse me. okay maybe i'm kind of a loser or at least a total geekface for using interwebz terms in real life but that's just how i talk now. the more annoying part is having to explain them to people who don't speak fandom. lmao.

thoughts? agreement? anybody else do these things?

02 February, 2009

once again my besties are made of win bc first mf fall out boy and now..



i am so like totally stoked off my little obsessive brain right now!!!

i cannot wait for this!!!!!

*runs around squealing and flailing forever*

dressed to kill

1. Put your iPod or other music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the NEXT button to get your answer.
4. Tag friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got this from. Everyone can do it. XD

Up All Night - Hinder (wtf?!)

Whipped - Axium (sounds like fun. lol.)

The Wind Blows - All American Rejects

Casey - Darren Hayes (o.0)

Wings - Matt Nathanson (one day i'll fly away...)

Love is A Stranger - Eurythmics (yeah.. kinda..)

LA Girl - MWK (oh yes.. i think about these bois all. the. time.)

WHAT IS 2+2?
Bounce - Thousand Foot Krutch

The Goonies 'R' Good Enough - A New Found Glory (Goonies Never Say Die!)

It's All Your Fault - Pink (damn. i have to take responsibility for everything?)

Where Love Went Wrong - Augustana (uh.. no.. that kinda fails. i've had enuf of that. kthx)

Vulnerable - Secondhand Serenade (yeah that.)

Street Corner Symphony - Rob Thomas (yes parents, i will never be "normal" and i will always be the weird one. give it up.)

New Deep - John Mayer (um.. yeah.. can you say annulment boys and girls?)

Golden Girl - Dan Wilson (um.. apparently ppl will be reeeeaaaallly miserable at my funeral. that's like.. good.. right?)

Fall Back Into Me - DFCook (*dies laughing bc it's waaaaaay too true*)

Brighter - Paramore (oh yeah. ttly a sekrit how awesome i am. >:D)

um.. fuck i don't know the name of this song Chemical Wonder?? - Film

Suffocate - Cold (yeah.. prolly about right)

Absolute Zero - Jason Mraz (apparently it will be one of those long death scenes where they play back the beautifull moments of your life in epic slow-mo and you cry like forever)

Fallin' Down - Goo Goo Dolls (this is very true.)

When the Heartache Ends - Rob Thomas (well.. i guess i would be happy about that... )

Everybody Love - Constantine (oh wait.. i get this one.. i cry bc why the fuck does mf constantine not get more love dammit!!)

Dublin Sky - Darren Hayes (hmm.. gay musicians don't bode well for marriage.. in most states.. maybe i will marry a cute girl then? *crosses fingers*)

On the Way Down - Ryan Cabrera (falling is bad)

Dead On Arrival - FOB (apparently notsomuch. D:)

More Than Anyone - Gavin DeGraw (no i don't want to think)

I Just Want You To Love Me - Darren Hayes (yes.)

Dressed To Kill - New Found Glory

01 February, 2009

where is your boy tonight i hope he's a gentleman

FOB from Super Bowl Smash

obv patrick comes first bc i luff him bestest

i mean look at him! how do you not luff him?!

and wtfever he is doing with his foot is just damn adorable.

and then mf trohman had to go all growing out the jew-fro and growing a beard and becoming like suddenly ninja hot and shit

dammit trohman.. just dammit.

and effing pete. i effing hate you pete. where in the goddamn hell are you hiding this effing hoodie you rat bastard?!

i checked the mf clan and it is not there!

i hate you pete. give me that mf hoodie!!!

oh yeah.. and this:

*iz ded*

that is all.

thx to[info]icecreamhdaches for pics

28 January, 2009

google verb meme

google your name with a verb and take the first thing that it gives you.
thx to

1. Tabitha needs: Tabitha needs our prayers urgently, Tabitha needs love & attention, . . . elsewhere apparently Tabitha needs a meaty storyline. . .bring it... (rofl! oh yeah bring it!)

2. Tabitha looks like: tabatha LOOKS like THE GRINCH that stole christmas. why has no one seen that they are one and the same? (laugh. my. ass. off.)

3. Tabitha says: tabitha says lets get it onnnn (oh yes lets!)

4. Tabitha wants: TABITHA (WANTS TO BE SEDATED) (twenty twenty four hours ago...)

5. Tabitha does: Tabitha does Single Ladies (Put a ring on it) By Beyonce (apparently i'm a mf rockstar on google. lol.)

6. Tabitha hates: You know, the caption says "Tabitha hates frogs". If this is the case, WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU PUT A GODDAMN FROG ON HER HEAD? Are you mental? (yeah really! why would you!? this shit is killing me laughing so hard!)

7. Tabitha asks: “Minerva,” Tabitha asks her aunt with that trademarked seventies delivery, “have you been flying too low over the poppy fields of Turkey

8. Tabitha likes: Tabatha likes gifts and conversation, but her main factor in increasing Love Points is your monsters. (yep. got your love points right here! XDDD)

9. Tabitha eats: Tabitha eats her dress (whut? i was like way hungry okay!)

10. Tabitha wears: Tabitha wears her heart on her sleeves and cannot hide (trufax this.)

11. Tabitha was arrested for: Tabitha was arrested for drug-related activities. (when i said it was crack i meant crack FICTION people! honestly)

12. Tabitha loves: Tabitha loves me t-shirts, stickers and hoodies. (apparently you can haz merch. hahahaha)

27 January, 2009

birthday spammage is a go!

so tomorrow is joshuazgirl128 's birthday.. and i have a little something for her...

hope she likes it bc i know she's kinda hating on dcook right now..! <3

guys you don't really have to primp yet.. we haven't really even started the post...

um.. yeah.. thanks for listening.. *facepalm* and just what the hell are the two of you doing over there?! this isn't that kind of a post really...

dammit guys.. you're hopeless..

well i'm glad somebody's amused by these shenanigans! okay i'm amused too but that's beside the point really

neal would like to be the first to say happy birthday to you..

also.. he knows dave has been very bad to you.. so he put him in a cage as punishment.. yeah.. that's ttly the reason for the cage

dave attempts to look guilty.. is it working? he feels reeeeaaaally bad about it.. honest...

nurse!Neal is not pleased

dammit dave! you're not even trying! there will be punishment for that later dood.. but we're in the middle of something here..

me: you know laughing at nurse!Neal is only going to earn you more punishment dave
andy: um.. i think that's probably the idea..
me: oh. :o

whatev.. on with the pressies!

o hai andy.. um.. okay then.. i.. i guess you're still busy with joey...

continuing on then...

oh great andy. you and joey are starting something..

lord you guys this is not that kind of post! you're all hopeless honestly..

why is it that neal of all people is the only one behaving.. i mean really guys..

that's right dave. you just stand there and look pretty or somebody might catch you with your other boyfriends..

like... mikey? do you remember mikey dave?

that's right.. we all know you've forgotten all about him.. but we remember..

aaaaahhh. the good old days... you were so happy together.... cheezy song reference ftw!

i mean look at your faces!

so happy!

oh don't even make that face... we all know.. it's not like you were hiding it really...

i mean look at this:

srsly.. were you even trying? (by ciwey)

i mean come on... could you be any more gfeo?!

by meowlina

by courts

okies bb! i hope you likes your pressies?! have a superfab birthday!! <333