11 February, 2009

am i a part of the cure or am i part of the disease

okay soooo.. i suppose that i should mention where i stand on american idol, just to get it out there.. i know we're not even at top 36 yet, but i still have favourites already.. it's crazy for me bc this is the first season where i'm getting the 'full idol experience' bc i've never watched starting from auditions onward. woah. this shizz is like nutcakes for real. lol..

first off (and not in any particular order other than how they're listed on the ai site bc i can't remember all their fucking names lol) is a-lamb. ♥ i will confess i wanted to hate him bc everybody was going on about dcook comparisons and we all know how i feel about dcook but adam was just so.. i love his voice. i love his look (and yes, he ttly reminds me of dcook stfu okay). but i will say that i hate the faces he makes while he's singing. lol.

i also ttly dig anoop dawg. every time this guy sings he kills me! wtf is up with an indian looking guy who sings like boys ii men or wtfever. i mean srsly?! he's great tho.

brent keith i really like, altho i've read that he was on nashville star and did really well so i'm a little iffy as to why he's even on ai now.. *twitch*

little ran (cody). i loved him honestly the minute i saw him. i was sooo happy when he could actually sing really well bc i was going to love him anyway, ngl.

rdj (danny) is a-mazing. not even playing here. he is probably going to be my fave overall.. his voice is just fantastiik.. and omfg when he did 'i hope you dance' last night... just wow. it was honestly better than the original as far as i'm concerned and i would sever a limb for a recording of his version.. T__T

danny's boyfriend (jamar) is also really great. his 'delilah' didn't exactly do great things for me but i ♥ him. i really like his voice, nvm the fact that him and danny (who are sooo my ship now) are just too. damn. cute. and i fully expect if jamar gets voted off to see him in the audience every week cheering for danny. i will cry if this doesn't happen.

jorje i really like.

kai i also liked so it's a shame he did so badly this week.

cowboy (michael sarver) i just flove. it's the big and cuddly thing. gets me every time.

norman/nick. omfg do i loooooooove him. i'm not even kidding. i flove him soooo hard. he makes my face go all :DDDD every time he comes on but i'm fairly sure bb will not make the top 12. *cuddles* but i'm so going to look for him online. lol. /stalker

ricky braddy i also kinda like but i saw a vid online of him performing someplace and just.. *flails* i could listen to him all day.

von smith i kinda like but bb needs to tone down the theatrics or he's ded. (i actually can't remember now is he still in even??)

scott. ♥_♥ he is my second fave to danny. he is just fantastik. amazing. just.. wow.

i also liked little castro but i'm not really broken up that he left bc idk if i coulda taken a season of ttly smoking the weedz way too relaxed castro 2.0 and david osmond but his fam can buy him a contract or something. lol.

so right now my top 3 are danny, scott, adam in that order.

and yes i realise there are no girls on this list. lol. the only girl that i liked (emily with the pink hair) fucked up and is gone.

and in other news..

one piece is breaking my fucking heart.
we are like a couple episodes into water 7 and holy fuck i have cried soo much already. the merry go can't be repaired?! we have to leave her behind?! *cries* uesopp getting the crap kicked out of him by the franky family. *cries* uesopp waking up to find out merry can't be fixed and the argument with luffy and the FIGHT. omfg. *cries my head off* robin shot iceberg?! no wait she really was there?! and now we're being blamed?! and now she sez 'yes i did it and i'm ttly framing joo' and walks away and chopper and sanji cry *cries*

i don't know how much more epic i can take...

also- i was online last night and i got this user come up on my messenger called 'capablesalmon' and this odd convo insued. well the person on the other end explaind to me that it was from a spambot thing. very odd. we ended up friending each other on our actual messengers but i thought i would alert the flist that this spambot thing is out there floating around confusing the fuck out of ppl randomly. so here is a link to explain it if you have this happen to you.

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