21 February, 2004

Have you heard the new song on the radio "Raise Me Up"? It's by Josh Groban. I know, you're saying "Who?" But you'll know soon enough. At first dial flip you might pass over the song, thinking it's Christian music or something equally as boring, but if you take the time to listen, you're drawn in by the swelling stringplay and the depth of emotion in the voacls. This man has an amazing vocal ability.

It seems he is the new "It-boy" on the music scene, & I, personally, am happy to have him. Don't mistake me - I love my boybands, my bubblegum pop, my hip-hop, and all that Top 40 musical goop clogging the radio stations lately, but it's great to hear something different once in a while. I'm all over John Mayer & Norah Jones. I just wish the rest of the listeners could open their blessed ears and make a little room on the charts for some of this real talent. These types of singers with new, individual, non-prepackaged pop trash music are a welcome change and I hope some of them hold steady without drowning in the sugar fructose pool of pop music.

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