22 April, 2004


Just returned from seeing The Punisher. Funny thing is I originally saw the poster at the theatre last year and was very "No, I don't think so" about it.... till I actually saw a preview. Glad I changed my mind about it - I really liked it. But I hafta say there were a couple scenes I just couldn't watch... not that they were gory (thank goddess there was none of that mess here), just very emotionally upsetting.

I definitely liked Thomas Jane in the title role. He carried it off rather well. He's part of seeing the preview that made me wanna watch the flick in the 1st place. See, I became quite enamoured of him in The Sweetest Thing & was happy to find another excuse to look at him. I was a little let down seeing the shirtless scenes (of which there are many) coz I don't like so much grass on my playground, if u get me.... but he was still built pretty well... and I much appreciated the gratuitous hip bone shots....

I was kinda surprised that Howard Saint (bad guy played by John Travolta) was portrayed so weakly. I just didn't find him intimidating at all. I've seen enough Travolta flicks to know he coulda done way better than what they had for him in this one!

11 April, 2004

I swear lately I run myself fucking ragged, & for what? I've got nothing. SOme days I'm not even sure I have Brian anymore..... yesterday was 8 months.....

I work all the time & it feels like I hardly get to see him. He's sposeta be starting a job Monday with Jay working construction. He'll be working from 9 AM- 3, which means I'll see him even less. By the time I come home he'll be in bed & gone before I wake up. I told him already I'm gonna kill any of his friends who try to come over on my days off coz that's the only time I'll be getting with him....

I seem to have finally gotten over the depression that I was fighting. It helped that I wrote him a 6-page letter explaining exactly how I felt and why and he actually read it and paid attention. It also helps all the time I have to think while I'm at work and it occurred to me: I have always made my decisions based on what my heart says because my head never did anything but upset me, so why am I listening to it now.

It's also occurred to me that I need to get back to my spirituality because I've been feeling lost and empty lately and I think that's a big part of why.