25 June, 2004

"To live is to risk dying. To do is to risk failure.
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool. To love is to risk not
being loved in return.
To cry is to risk appearing soft and sentimental.
To reach out to another is to risk involvement or rejection.
To place your ideas, dreams, and desires before people is to risk
The greatest omission in life is to risk nothing. The person who
risks nothing gets nothing, has nothing, is nothing. He may avoid
suffering, pain and sorrow, but he does not learn, grow, live, or
love. He is only a slave - chained by safety - locked away by
fear. Only a person who is willing to risk, not knowing the
results, is alive."

- Anonymous

I have always given 110%, usually to causes, people or relationships that didn’t deserve it of me… and many, many times I’ve been told that I only hurt myself in the end by being too open and too trusting, but I have seen what becomes of the ones who hold back in their comfort zone.. I have a couple friends who have spent nearly their whole life in that comfort zone and yes, they have rarely been walked on & mistreated, and, yes, they have not shed so many tears as I have and seem mostly unaffected by the pain I often feel… but there is something else they suffer from instead.. For the safety they enjoy, one has become jaded and the other an old maid far before her time. They can’t seem to comprehend the simple joy I find in many things, and don’t understand the depth of emotion I experience. They think I’m silly, melodramatic, over-emotional. The first refuses to admit she cares about people, deems every lover “un-worthy” to keep herself from falling for them, and is sometimes drawn into relationship she knows are unhealthy and will fail. The second ages rapidly before my eyes. I watch helplessly as we have less and less in common, my frustration growing, wondering how I can help her.. She seems so closed off to new things and unusual experiences & it seems to me she misses so much by holding to what she already knows. And she never has anyone to love.. no one to hold her, adore her and I fear she will never know the amazing gamut of emotions that comes with being in love….

I have been hurt, abused and broken-hearted many times, but I would rather be forced to deal with that pain and heal my heart again than remain safe and unaffected, missing the emotion, beauty, rapture.. euphoria.. that come before the pain. I say to you “Do not be afraid! Live your life! Tis better to learn from mistakes than never make any!”

Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Ta mo bhriste tri thine
Ta mo bhriste tri thine - 'My trousers are on fire.'You're a few bricks short of a load, aren't you? You're probably not allowed to use sharp objects and you should be locked in a rubber room. With Rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They drive me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a rubber room. With rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats...

05 June, 2004

Review of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:

Got to go see the movie last night- opening night Yeah me!
I was not a little apprehensive about Gary Oldman playing Sirius Black because I didn't know if he could play the battered but loving godfather as well as the psycho escapee murderer, but he proved me wrong. He actually did very well and I think he suited the role nicely. I also wasn't looking forward to the upright Emma Thompson as Prof. Trelawney, but it wasn't as wretched as I'd feared. She played the role highly steriotypically of the baked-out, zoned-out, too-much-patchouli hippie circus fortune teller and that's not how I'd pictured Trelawney, but the performance didn't leave me throwing popcorn at the screen... so bygones.

Over all I loved it. I thought it was absolutely fantastic!! Alfonso Cuaron, as the new director, brought a realism and less movie-ishness to it than the 1st two had. They were wonderfull, no question, but were a bit more rigid I guess is my word... everyone seemed much more comfortable and much more their characters than actors in this movie, especially all the kids. (Altho I must be totally honest that I can hardly call them kids... I know they're all like 14 but I spent mosta the flick adoring the Hogwart's Hotties! Could the Weasley twins be any more adorable with those sexy shag haircuts!) Really tho it was great! I was blown away and can't wait to see it again!

04 June, 2004

Why can't I just have debilitating cramps like every other woman with PMS..... ? No. I have to get paranoid. I'm fine any other time and I love adore and trust Brian completely, but once a month for about a week I'm convinced that he's up to something, talking to other girls online or on the phone.... it makes me sick and angry and depressed and the pills don't work on paranoia like they do on cramps....

On top of this shit, I had the day off today and woulda liked to spend it with him, but he hadda go help Jay move. He left at like 9 this morning and wasn't home still at 6 so I called and he said he's got no ride won't be home tonite. I got very upset and was crying before I even hung up the fucking phone.. Last nite when he said he was going to Jay's I told him I was unhappy about it becoz it's my day off and I don't get that many when I don't have something I hafta go do and I didn't have any plans today and we coulda spent the whole day together. I feel like we never get any time together coz I'm always working and he's always with his friends or his stoopid friends are here...

I'm just very depressed and missed him dreadfully today and spent most of today trying not to cry.. and failing.