26 September, 2007

models & movies

It's so sick that I spent the whole afternoon watching a marathon of ANTM, but something about that show is just so damn addicting.. LOL! There's like a whole slew of new shows I'd like to catch coming up this season, but I bet I won't watch any of them. I really don't watch that much TV anymore. Internet is my total vice! I only seem to watch TV when I'm watching it with other people, or someone else is online.

Maybe I should just plug the modem into my arm!Since plans for this week are a no-go, I think maybe I'll go the movies Friday night. I'm dying to see Across the Universe. I bet it's at the theatre in MC... Of course, that means I'll be going to the movies alone, which I've never done & is a bit scary, but WTF?! At least that way I know I'll get to see the movie I want, get to enjoy it, & nobody will bitch if I talk to the movie. (Well, maybe the people in front of me, but they're not my peeps, so who cares...)

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