08 October, 2007


Y'know, it's kinda funny. See my sis posted a comment on my page saying "Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints" and she couldn't have picked better. For me, today was one of those days!

Mom & Dad just got their compy back from repair, & they liked the guy who worked on it, so I took mine over. Keith looks it over, listens to me describe all the issues I've been having with it & whatever. He says based on what I'm describing, it's gotta be the motherboard. Turns out basically every part of my poor compy is out-dated as hell. Fuck. So I sat talking with him & going over new parts. We picked out some really good stuff based on what I use it for & the total for my shiny new compy (when it's all done) will be around $600. Fuck. It should be just completely awesome, but damn. Thankfully, we can do it in pieces. So I will drop off some money on payday for parts till I've got them all paid for & then he'll build it for me. It will be nice to have such an awesome system when it's done, but that's a big fucking chunk, seriously!

Well, it took forever to go over all the parts & such, so then I had to run to Walmart to pick up sinus medicine & stuff. Of course there were like 4 lanes open with waayy too many people waiting in every line. And of course I picked the one that had to suddenly stop & do a money drop. And of course she tried to scan my stuff with the guy's stuff ahead of me. Jeezass!

So when I finally get out I hit Wendy's for dinner & when I get home Mom & Dad are pissed because I'm waayyy late & they're starving (I knew they would be).

Finish dinner & try to scan some pages from my journal like I promised Indigo, but (of course!) the scanner says "Fuck You! Don't feel like it!" So I'll have to do that another day.

To cap off my night, I go to let Shadow in & hear it's raining - hard. So I run out, realising I left my windows down in my hurry to get home with dinner. Fuck. My seats are cloth not vinyl & it's all soaked inside. Fabulous.

I shudder to think what my night at work is gonna be like after a day like today. Maybe the Universe will have pity. *prays*

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