21 August, 2004

Say a prayer for me out there, will ya? I'm gonna need it! Brian just left this morning to go to work with Jay.... translation: he'll be gone till Thursday! I dunno how I'm gonna survive this! I know it makes me sound weak & pathetic & hopelessly codependent, but I'm not any of those things (altho, yes, I used to be).. it's just he truly is the centre of my world, the light of my life, the reason I have to wake up in the morning & the thing that keeps me going all night at work knowing I have him to come home to... but now I won't. On one level it's a good thing because he's going to be making real good money, so we'll be able to shut up the utility companies & not hafta wake up everyday wondering if today is the day they turn off the phone/NIPSCO/water.. We're hoping to get the Thomas running full force & get another vehicle as well, plus we'll be able to get the hell outta this li'l rathole we call an apt. come February when our lease is up... but those are all still pipe dreams at this point. Right now, I just hafta survive this week & we'll see when he comes home with the check if it's worth doing anymore...

So, if you two are reading this, feel free to aim Hakaryu this direction anytime coz I'll be more than happy to have the company!

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