12 August, 2004

Tonite at work started out interesting...

When I got there, I couldn't get in the front door bcoz Edna (one of the residents) had managed to get out of her locked unit & was at the front door trying to leave, so they had it locked & were trying to convince her to move away, but no dice.. so I went to the other door & snuck in that way...

Now, I don't remember exactly when, but within the 1st week or so I worked there, Frank had asked me about my pentacle necklace I wear- asking was I Wiccan or just pagan.. I never thought to ask him.... & tonite Jean (Frank's gf) asked to see my necklace. Then she tells me she just bought Frank one for the Aquarius sign w/ all the Zodiac symbols around it & starts in about the Ren faire they'd just been to (damn! I never reminded her to show me the pics.... :( ) And she says that while they were there Frank mentioned "Y'know, I bet Tabitha would love this..." How cool that they thought of me! It's nice to have at-work friends, especially the really decent ppl kind. It's also great to have pagan/pagan-friendly co-workers & work in a building where I've never had to fear wearing my necklace. I've spent many breaks sittin on the counter in the laundry room colouring my homemade book of tarot readings (which BTW is finishd- Yeah me!!) & the backs for my collage tarot deck.

Speaking of my deck, I'm hoping to have some time soon (yeah right) to get the cards all scanned in - as it is nearing (I think) completion - & I'm hoping to put it online for sale...

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