30 September, 2004

Do Something!

You might not like this…

September 23rd, 2004

It’s 4 AM. I’m awake and talking to you.

Whenever I get the chance I read the comments posted by those who read this page.
I never responded before, but there’s something I need to share with you…

There’s a purpose for me going through the trouble of sharing myself with you in this very intense journey for me.

  • I don’t write this page to pump up my ego. I enjoy reading your comments about your appreciation and love, but this is not my purpose.
  • I don’t write this page to give you an intellectual or emotional entertainment.
  • I don’t write this page to give you something to talk about.

I don’t care if you like what I write or you hate it or it bores you to death. I don’t care if you think I’m a great person or an ass hole.

I go through the trouble of looking everyday for an Internet café, so you can have a fresh and alive thought or insight, hoping with all my heart that something I write would move you to act.

I don’t care if my words touches you or move you to tears. My only purpose is that my words would move you to act.

I’m trying to give you a sense of the camino without the blisters and the bee stings. But you still need to walk your walk - have your own personal blisters, experience your own personal sunshines.

This is not a sophisticated gossip column or an ongoing paparazzi story.

When conceiving this page, I was looking for a new way to bring people to more awareness of their own life, moving them to take action in their own life, creating a better life for themselves and others.

And yet, it seems… that people still read about…

Knowing I lost many of my readers already, I’m risking loosing some more…
Hey, how about taking something from what you read. Something that feels right. And instead of nodding in agreement… go and do something about it.

Do you realize that you can TODAY meet a total stranger, that even speak a different language than yours, and open your heart to him or her…? Don’t think so? How about your teenage kid? How about your parents? Did you ever asked them what their dreams are? What their vision is? What are their fears? And did you ever sit to listen? Did you ever shared yours?

How about today?

I’d love to hear these stories in the comments!

How about knocking on your neighbor door, right now, asking if there’s anything you can do to make their day a better day?

When you see their surprised/shocked experience explain them it’s “happy neighbor day"!

If you find anything in my words that inspires you - go and do it.

When I read 15 years ago in Richard Bach’s book Illusions, “Live never to be ashamed if anything you say or do is published around the world, even if what is said is not true. ” and that day I stopped lying.

As soon as I finished reading Paulo Coelho’s, “the Alchemist” - I developed a new training - “the Flow".

After I gave my first One Experience training I asked my old teacher what should I study now. He said, “stop studying and start teaching, writing, spreading the word…” Since that day I never stopped writing…

I’m nobody special. I eat and shit and fuck just like you. I smell like hell after walking all day. And after a shower and a long rest, I can be really friendly and fun to be with…

Just like you…

Looking forward to hear about YOU

With all my love, Nisandeh


I could not begin to explain what I'm gathering from this man's journey..... I found this site from a newsletter, one of so many I receive, and I've sat here this morning reading every entry.... I chose to share this one with you, in particular, because it says soemthing I think is so important. It reminds us that this man is an ordinary, everyday person, just like you or me. You don't have to be some unreachable, untouchable hand of the divine to teach, to have meaning, to inspire. You, me, anyone can be a leader. ANyone can make a difference in their own way.. and you should. No one has a reason to do nothing. Even the smallest, most invisible, disabled creature can effect the course of the universe...

Be Something!

Tabitha )O(

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