09 September, 2004

You know, it's strange, if you think about it... they mention in songs about "..if I could go back in time, I'd try to find you and make up for all this wasted time..." (Read Your Mind by Vonda Shepard) but that's wrong. At least I think so. I believe you find the right person for you exactly when you are meant to. I do not believe Fate is in complete control of you destiny, but I do believe there are certain things pre-determined for you life and it is the Fates' jobs to contrive a way to make those things happen. I do not believe in one single soul mate tho is the only person we could ever truly be happy with. I believe there are certain sould with whom you are perfectly compatible. And that's why there are lovers in uor lives where things didn't work out for whatever reasons, but that love remains. No matter how many years and miles away you may go, you can never escape that memory. Something always will inevitably bring that person back to mind. It's because your soul felt a bond with their's and that kind of bond can not be broken.

There are certain people, old boyfriends.. sometimes someone I never even dated.. who consistently sneak back to the forefront of my conscious without any warning. There are lovers I've had who I had a major relationship with and never even think of them barely at all... but there are those who I cannot seem to shake. Without any real reason or much encouragement my mind will bring them back to me & I'm sitting dwelling on olde thoughts and passing moments.... It's very confusing....

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