25 September, 2004

What is the point?

It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts.

K.T. Jong


Discovering Your True Self

Many people are on a quest seeking to discover whether God exists, what happens to us after death, and what the purpose of humanity is. Few people, however, are asking the most important question of all: "Who or what am I?" What good are the answers to the other questions if we don't even know who or what we are? Most of us are asleep. We're zombies. We exist, but don't live. We see, but don't watch. We hear, but don't listen. We speak empty words and eat without tasting. We rush on our way without feeling the wind on our face, the sun on our arms, and the grass beneath our feet. Why chase after life-after-death when we ignore life-before-death? Why do we pass through life unaware of the greatest treasure of all, our True Self?

© Chuck Gallozzi


To the question of your life you are the answer, and to the problems of your life you are the solution.

Joe Cordare


above quotes swiped from newletter
SpiritualSisters of the Internet Cafe

SO many people run to therapists, paying them hundreds of $$ and hour to tell them what's wrong with them... but if you think about it, what so therapists actually do? 1) They prescribe drugs to make it go away. 2) They ask you questions (really no different than a good friend could do) & make you talk about how you feel, etc. etc. & it's really you who figures out in the end where your problem lies, isn't it?

People are always turning to self-help books and psychs wanting them to fix it. They can't. *THWACK* Hello people! You are the only one who can change you! I've read countless self-help books & they can be very helpfull, yes, but not if you think "oh, I'll read this and it will explain everything. It will tell me what's wrong with me & how to quit it & then everything will be perfect..." WRONG!! The way self-help books (BTW: They are called "self-help" books, not "magick fix everything" books!) have helped me is by reading thru things, paying attention to what it's saying, sometimes re-reading them many times, and keeping a journal about what I think & feel while I'm reading the book. They are a tool you can use to help yourself! But they can't do it for you. And neither can some fucking shrink, unless you just want a zombie pill to take 3 times a day so you don't have to feel anything & therefore don't have to deal with anything.

I, myself, have a chemical imbalance. It runs in my family. (I'm just explaining something here, BTW. I hate people who say "Well, it runs in my family, so it's not my fault" and I guess they think that makes it ok to be a total ass because of it- sorry, but NO.) But I can't stand to take pills & such & I've been to a therapist who was useless, completely useless, so I read, I analyze, I pay attention to the world around me & try to be very observant. I learned a very simple, but very effective, lesson from The Dalai Lama's Guide to Happiness: Find the things that make you feel happy & feel good & encourage more of those in your life. Realize the things that make you unhappy, make you feel bad, feel angry or negative, and remove them from your life or, if it's something you can't escape, find a way to lessen it's prominence in your daily environment. It's, as I said, a very simple lesson, but it's amazing how many people just don't think about something like that.... if you are coming in contact with something the always makes you un-happy... stay away from it.... so simple....

Yes, I have bad days.. but I work thru them & do not use my mental problems as a crutch or an excuse not to function or use them as a reason it's ok to be a spaz or a total brat. You can have a normal life & a happy life. You just have to make an actual effort and stop expecting the world to work for you or work around you.


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