06 September, 2004

Just wanted to let all know that I have returned from my vaca. Was off the last 4 days to visit my Papaw & Mamaw in West Virginia ( along w/ Mom, Dad,"little" brother, sister & her 3 kids).

We drove down Friday & got there around 1 AM.... we were very busy this weekend. Site-seeing at Dad's old hangouts (he grew up there), visiting the zoo, County park.... all over.. We went mini-golfing, but gave up halfway thru the course coz it was too hot & mini golf w/ 3 kids is taxing... yeah, taxing is a good word for it... Nearly 4 hours in the pool and yes, we're all burned, but I seem to be taking the most lasting damage.... ;_; I'm crispy-fried! and miserable..

But the trip was all in all a good one. Really enjoyed seeing Mamaw & Papaw, since it's been about 7 years since our last trip!

I missed Brian something dreadful & was so happy to see that he was home when I got here, but just bout cried when he said he was having to leave for work soon... I really woulda liked some time with him..... ;_;

Anyhow, tho.... I have returned safely and only slightly the worse for wear......... and very glad to be home.

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