13 September, 2004

I am a Dreamer

I hear the whistle of the wind
the sound of the silence
I see the unicorns fly
the angles in the sky
I see the fire of the dragons breath

I want to be free to soar with the eagles
to dream the dream of dreams

I am a dreamer

I pretend to float on the clouds
to fly across the sky on a dragons wing
to see a unicorn

I feel the wind blow across the land
the dragons breath
an angles touch

I touch the sky with my dreams
the wind as it blows thru the air
the light of the stars that shine at night

I am a dreamer

I dream about anything and everything
that the world cannot offer
I dream every chance I get
To often
Not enough

I dream of a world without crime
a land without polution
Peace for all

I am a dreamer

(written by Carolyn H. posted to Altered Books Yahoo Group)

It's strange how the world calls someone a dreamer as tho it's a bad thing to be
- a hopeless dreamer.... Funny to me, when dreamers seem to be the most hopefull
of anyone...

Dreamers are the ones who make the world a better place for being a part of it- Martin Luther
King, Vincent van Gogh, all artists, musicians.. where would the world be without
these hopeless dreamers...

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