17 September, 2004

Now, I know my bf loves me & all my parts.. he seems especially favoured of the meatier parts (which is good!) but sometimes it's nice to receive a little boost from someone who isn't obligated to adore me. See, I dropped Brian off w/ his little friend to deliver papers & stopped by Taco Hell for a quesadilla. I pulled up to the little window & the cute young guy leaned out & it bordered on a double take. Nice to know I'm so cute they hafta look twice to verify... Then he had this little embarassed grin like you get when you're talking to somebody you're so crushing on & you're praying to not say anything stooopid.... Yeah me! Still a cutey!

Beyond that little bit o' fluff, my night at work went much better than expected. Chris told me before she left that Justin was coming in to help Sherrie w/ floors, so I figured he would be all up in my bubble all nite using my last nerve for a trampoline, like he did last time. But I talked to Sherrie before he got there & told her bout the issues I been having w/ him lately & how I was considering leaving. I mentioned to her needing a day job & she said I should see if he'd swap me w/ Amber- make her work nights & gimme the L-2 (8-3:30) shift. She said she'd talk to him. Later, he wants to talk to me & he says if I want the day shift it's mine & if she don't like it she can be replaced! Talked to Sherrie bout what he said & she said she'd told him I was a damn good worker & not to lose me so if I wanted the day shift give it to me & that Shane would be really pissed if he found out Justin lemme get away! Plus she told him to stop picking on me bcoz I'm only joking & he needs to stop taking things so seriously.. Hurray for Sherrie! My hero!!! So in bout 3 weeks I start working day shift. I'll get off at 3:30 & have all day left. I'lll have more time w/ my chibi & my friends! Lalalalalalal ...... oh happy day........

1 comment:

just another soul heading west said...

I'm already in a good mood as if you couldn't tell when you read my blog but this is wonderful news, I hope it means we will get to see more of you water sprite and I could not be happier for you...I'm not surprised their are few people I know of who deserve such a lucky break...good for you, it's takes a lot to know when an oppurtunity is not exhausted and to know when it is not...but then I never doubted you'd answer Question 10...did you??